How to Implement Client-Side Pagination in Salesforce Lightning Component

How to Implement Client-Side Pagination in Salesforce Lightning Component


Client-side pagination is essential when handling large data sets in Salesforce Lightning Components. It ensures that the user experience remains smooth and responsive, even when dealing with thousands of records. In this guide, we will explore what client-side pagination is, how it works, and why it is a critical feature in Salesforce Lightning development. You will learn step-by-step how to implement it, as well as the best practices to keep your components optimized and fast.

What is Client-Side Pagination?

Client-side pagination refers to the practice of paginating data on the client side of an application, typically using JavaScript. In Salesforce Lightning, this means breaking down large datasets into smaller, more manageable pages for display. Instead of fetching all the data from the server at once, you only display a limited number of records at a time, improving the performance and usability of your Lightning Components.

By handling pagination client-side, you reduce the number of server calls and improve the speed at which your components load. This method is particularly useful in user interfaces where performance and a responsive experience are essential.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implement Client-Side Pagination in Salesforce Lightning Component

This guide will walk you through the implementation of client-side pagination in a Salesforce Lightning Component using a simple example. Pagination is important when dealing with large datasets, as it improves the performance and user experience of your application.

Step 1: Set Up the Lightning Component

Start by creating a new Lightning Component that will display the paginated records. We’ll define the attributes needed to manage the data, including the full dataset, the current page, and the number of records to display per page.

<!-- clientSidePagination.cmp -->
<aura:component controller="ClientSidePaginationController" implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,force:hasRecordId">
    <!-- Attributes -->
    <aura:attribute name="records" type="List" />
    <aura:attribute name="currentPage" type="Integer" default="1" />
    <aura:attribute name="recordsPerPage" type="Integer" default="10" />
    <aura:attribute name="paginatedRecords" type="List" />
    <!-- Handlers -->
    <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}" />
    <!-- Pagination UI -->
        <lightning:button label="Previous" onclick="{!c.previousPage}" disabled="{!v.currentPage == 1}" />
        <lightning:button label="Next" onclick="{!c.nextPage}" disabled="{!v.currentPage == Math.ceil(v.records.length / v.recordsPerPage)}" />
        <p>Page {!v.currentPage} of {!Math.ceil(v.records.length / v.recordsPerPage)}</p>
    <!-- Display Paginated Records -->
    <aura:iteration items="{!v.paginatedRecords}" var="record">



  • Attributes:
    • records: Stores all the fetched records.
    • currentPage: Tracks the current page of the pagination.
    • recordsPerPage: Defines how many records should be displayed per page (default is 10).
    • paginatedRecords: Holds the records to be displayed on the current page.
  • UI:
    • Buttons for “Previous” and “Next” allow the user to navigate between pages.
    • A message displays the current page number and the total number of pages.

Step 2: Create the Apex Controller to Fetch Data

Create an Apex class that will retrieve data from your Salesforce database. This will provide the list of records for pagination.

// ClientSidePaginationController.apxc
public with sharing class ClientSidePaginationController {
    public static List<sObject> getRecords() {
        // Example: Fetching Account records
        return [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account LIMIT 100];


  • This Apex method fetches up to 100 Account records from Salesforce, but you can modify it to pull records from any object or dataset based on your needs.

Step 3: Define the Lightning Controller

The JavaScript controller handles page initialization and navigation. It manages the calls to the helper functions and updates the current page based on user input.

// clientSidePaginationController.js
    doInit: function(component, event, helper) {
        // Fetch the records from Apex Controller
        var action = component.get("c.getRecords");
        action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
            var state = response.getState();
            if (state === "SUCCESS") {
                component.set("v.records", response.getReturnValue());
    previousPage: function(component, event, helper) {
        var currentPage = component.get("v.currentPage");
        if (currentPage > 1) {
            component.set("v.currentPage", currentPage - 1);
    nextPage: function(component, event, helper) {
        var currentPage = component.get("v.currentPage");
        var totalPages = Math.ceil(component.get("v.records").length / component.get("v.recordsPerPage"));
        if (currentPage < totalPages) {
            component.set("v.currentPage", currentPage + 1);


  • doInit: This function runs when the component is initialized. It fetches the records from Salesforce using the Apex controller and passes them to the helper function to handle pagination.
  • previousPage and nextPage: These functions handle the pagination logic, adjusting the currentPage value based on user input (i.e., clicking the “Previous” or “Next” buttons).

Step 4: Create the Helper for Pagination Logic

The helper file contains the core logic for slicing the records and determining which subset of records should be displayed on the current page.

// clientSidePaginationHelper.js
    paginateRecords: function(component) {
        var records = component.get("v.records");
        var currentPage = component.get("v.currentPage");
        var recordsPerPage = component.get("v.recordsPerPage");

        // Calculate start and end index for the current page
        var startIndex = (currentPage - 1) * recordsPerPage;
        var endIndex = currentPage * recordsPerPage;

        // Slice the records to get the paginated data
        var paginatedRecords = records.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
        component.set("v.paginatedRecords", paginatedRecords);


  • paginateRecords: This function calculates the records to display based on the currentPage and recordsPerPage values. It uses JavaScript’s slice() method to extract a portion of the records array that corresponds to the current page. The sliced array is then set as paginatedRecords, which updates the component’s view.

Step 5: Final Testing and Deployment

Once you’ve set up the component and the necessary controllers, deploy the code and test it by navigating through the pages using the “Next” and “Previous” buttons. Ensure that the correct records are displayed on each page and that the pagination behaves as expected.

Summary of Key Steps:

  1. Create the Lightning Component: Set up attributes for storing records, the current page, and paginated records. Add pagination UI elements.
  2. Fetch Data with Apex: Write an Apex controller to retrieve data from Salesforce.
  3. Handle UI and Pagination in the Controller: Write JavaScript functions for navigating between pages and initializing the component.
  4. Slice Data in the Helper: Implement logic in the helper to calculate which records should be displayed on the current page.
  5. Test Your Implementation: Deploy and test the component in a Salesforce environment to ensure everything works as expected.

By following these steps, you can implement efficient client-side pagination in a Salesforce Lightning Component.


Client-side pagination is a powerful tool for Salesforce developers looking to improve the performance and usability of their Lightning Components. By implementing efficient pagination techniques, you can create a smoother, faster user experience, even when handling large datasets. With the right JavaScript logic and optimization practices, client-side pagination can greatly enhance the functionality and responsiveness of your Lightning applications.


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