GridBuddy App – Manage All Your Data In a Single Screen

What is the GridBuddy App?


GridBuddy aims to increase productivity and improve the usability of Salesforce for sales reps, customer service agents and project managers.

The sales enablement solution adds increased functionality to Salesforce features, allowing for mass actions across multiple records. The app lets you edit related objects within the same page view.

It also provides spread-sheet like views of your data, that include the ability to edit inline, mass update, create records inline, and mass delete.


The below picture shows how to create New Grid :





The below picture shows how to perform operation on Grid :


GridBuddy Features:

  • Mass edit for single or multiple objects
  • Excel-like interface
  • Edit existing records directly inline
  • Create new records inline
  • Delete multiple records at a time
  • Mass update values across related records
  • Editable related lists
  • Report-like hierarchical view of records
  • Edit fields that you can’t in Salesforce
  • Multi-object, cross-object filters
  • Export data within Salesforce
  • Multi-select picklists and lookup fields
  • Grid setup and configuration
  • Launch common Salesforce actions
  • Configure custom action
  • Filter list views, quick filters and user-defined filters
  • Usable with all Salesforce business processes
  • Custom buttons
  • Solutions for sales, project management and service
  • GridBuddy Add-Ons


How Can We Help:

  • Setup GridBuddy according to the Business process needs in Salesforce
  • Consult in how can we use Gridbuddy to improve the Users Productivity
  • Configure grids for any process and customize.
  • Training to users for Gridbuddy
  • Provide Ability to client Manage There all data on one single screen .
  • Build a graphical view for User Using Tabbed View And Chart.
  • Create a perfect GridWizard to Manipulate Multiple Object Data In single screen
  • On multiple Objects we can perform Mass Create , Update And Delete.




  • Easy Data Management -Combine data across multiple objects into a single grid.
  • Increase Productivity And Adoption – Reduce endless clicks & page loads.
  • Improve Data Accuracy And Insight – Streamline complex reporting processes and get the analytics you need in a single, organized, and actionable view.
  • Save lots of time.


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opacity: 1