Healthcare & Life Sciences – Bridging Innovation and Wellness

Salesforce Healthcare helps you to discover the person behind the patient with a comprehensive perspective of every client, interconnected across your medical community. We can work together to expedite enrollment, acquisition, service, and innovation so that your staff can concentrate on what matters: members and patients.

Salesforce Life Sciences is designed to meet the specific and dynamic demands of the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. It facilitates collaboration across whole ecosystems, accelerates the launch of innovative products, transforms rich data into actionable insights, and transforms patient care.

KEY Aspects of Salesforce for Healthcare and Life Sciences :

  • Health Cloud: It is a CRM platform tailored for healthcare providers. It provides a complete view of patient information, allowing healthcare organizations to deliver more personalized and coordinated care. Health Cloud enables care teams to collaborate efficiently and engage with patients across different channels.
  • Provider Relationship Management (PRM): Salesforce provides solutions for managing relationships with healthcare providers. This includes tools for provider onboarding, credentialing, and communication. The PRM functionality helps healthcare organizations optimize their networks and partnerships.
  • Patient Engagement: Salesforce has a solution aimed at improving patient engagement through various channels. And includes some features for appointment scheduling, reminders, and virtual care options. By enhancing patient engagement, healthcare providers can positively impact outcomes and patient satisfaction.
  • Life Sciences Cloud: Salesforce also offers solutions specifically tailored for the life sciences industry. Life Sciences Cloud includes features for managing relationships with healthcare professionals, key opinion leaders, and other stakeholders. It helps life sciences companies streamline operations and drive innovation.
  • Einstein Analytics for Healthcare: It applies artificial intelligence to healthcare data, providing actionable insights. It enables healthcare organizations to analyze clinical, operational, and financial data to make informed decisions and improve outcomes.
  • Telehealth Integrations: With the growing demand for telehealth services, Salesforce can integrate with telehealth platforms. This integration allows healthcare providers to conduct virtual consultations, manage patient records, and deliver care remotely.
  • Clinical Trial Management: Salesforce offers resources for effective clinical trial management. This covers the ability to manage studies, track enrollment, and recruit patients. The clinical trial procedure is streamlined for life sciences corporations and research organizations by these aspects.
  • Data Security and Compliance: Salesforce has a strong emphasis on data security and compliance, especially in healthcare. The platform is designed to meet industry-specific regulations, such as HIPAA for healthcare data. This ensures that patient information is handled securely and in compliance with relevant standards.
  • Community Cloud in Health and Life Sciences: Salesforce Community Cloud can also be used to create secure online communities for patients, healthcare professionals, and partners. These communities can serve as platforms for collaboration, information sharing, and patient support.
  • Customization and Workflow Automation: Because of Salesforce’s adaptability, companies in the healthcare and life sciences may tailor the platform to their requirements. This includes modifying the system to fit certain business processes, automating activities, and developing unique apps.
  • Population Health Management: Health Cloud allows healthcare organizations to analyze and manage population health data. This includes identifying at-risk populations, monitoring health trends, and implementing preventive care strategies.


  • Twopir has completed several implementations on the Healthcare & Life Sciences Cloud.
  • The implementations are executed by senior professionals with over 6 years of experience.
  • Twopir provides expert guidance to help clients map their organization’s processes and systems. This involves utilizing both the out-of-the-box (OOTB) Salesforce Healthcare & Life Sciences Cloud features and custom development, as necessary to meet specific business process demands.
  • Twopir is dedicated to facilitating a smooth transition to the Salesforce Healthcare & Life Sciences Cloud package for its clients.
  • The transition process includes the integration of secure, flexible, and digital services, addressing key aspects such as mobility, virtualization, collaboration, and support


  • Health Cloud is designed to manage patient relationships and healthcare operations efficiently.
  • It facilitates comprehensive patient engagement, care coordination, and personalized healthcare experiences.
  • Health Cloud centralizes patient information, enabling healthcare providers to have a unified view of patient records, interactions, and care plans.
  • Both Health Cloud and Life Sciences Cloud prioritize compliance with healthcare regulations and industry security standards to safeguard patient and sensitive data.


Healthcare and Life Science is empowers organizations with comprehensive solutions like Health Cloud and Life Sciences Cloud, fostering patient-centric care, efficient operations, and innovative collaboration across the healthcare continuum and life sciences ecosystem. Through personalized patient engagement and streamlined processes, Salesforce contributes to advancements in healthcare delivery and life sciences research.

For assistance with Health Cloud and Life Sciences Cloud, please contact us directly by completing the form below.


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