Higher Education in Salesforce – Elevating Academic Success


Salesforce CRM higher education cloud improves communication between students, parents, alumni, employees, and staff. This automates administration procedures across different channels. CRM helps in the faster management of departments with data-rich operations. Tracking prospective student data in real time streamlines efficiency and increases the level of engagement. Salesforce CRM cloud in education tracks prospective clients through targeted marketing campaigns and AI-enabled capacities to build trust and improve customer acquisition. The biggest takeaway from higher education CRM is that it is cost-effective and increases the revenue stream with a proactive admission strategy.

Why Salesforce for Higher Education?

360-Degree Student View:

Salesforce offers a comprehensive view of each student, consolidating data from various touchpoints. Twopir Consulting tailors this CRM to the unique needs of higher education, ensuring institutions have a holistic understanding of student interactions.

Personalized Communication:

Using Salesforce, institutions can personalize communication strategies, addressing individual student needs. Twopir Consulting implements dynamic communication channels, from email campaigns to social media, fostering stronger connections between students and educational entities.

Predictive Analytics:

Salesforce’s robust analytics capabilities enable institutions to predict potential challenges faced by students. Twopir Consulting utilizes predictive analytics to identify at-risk students, allowing proactive intervention and support mechanisms.

Key Features of Salesforce Implementation by Twopir Consulting:

Customized Student Portals:

Twopir Consulting designs intuitive portals, powered by Salesforce, providing students with easy access to academic resources, communication channels, and personalized information.

Automated Workflows:

Salesforce’s workflow automation streamlines administrative tasks, freeing up valuable time for educators to focus on student engagement. Twopir Consulting ensures efficient processes that contribute to a seamless educational experience.

Integration with Learning Management Systems (LMS):

Twopir Consulting integrates Salesforce with existing LMS platforms, creating a unified ecosystem for academic and administrative functions. This cohesive approach enhances the overall student experience.

The Impact on Student Retention:

Early Warning Systems:

Salesforce, implemented by Twopir Consulting, enables the creation of early warning systems. Educators receive alerts about potential issues, allowing them to intervene promptly and support struggling students.

Proactive Intervention:

With Salesforce, institutions can identify patterns that may indicate a decline in student engagement. Twopir Consulting facilitates proactive intervention strategies, such as targeted mentoring and additional resources, to prevent student attrition.


  • Assistance in implementing and optimizing ERP systems tailored to the needs of higher education institutions. This may include solutions for student information, finance, human resources, and more.
  • Developing custom software solutions to address specific challenges faced by educational institutions, such as student management systems, learning management systems (LMS), or research tools.
  • Implementing data analytics and business intelligence solutions to help institutions make informed decisions based on data. This could involve analyzing student performance, tracking enrollment trends, and optimizing resource allocation.
  • Assisting with the integration, customization, and optimization of Learning Management Systems to support online and blended learning environments.
  • Helping institutions migrate to and optimize cloud-based infrastructure, ensuring scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Implementing collaboration tools and communication platforms to facilitate seamless communication among students, faculty, and staff.
  • Providing training programs for staff and faculty to ensure effective use of new technologies. Offering ongoing support for troubleshooting and maintenance.


  • Education Cloud assists in managing the student recruitment process, from lead generation to admissions, by providing tools for tracking prospects, managing applications, and improving the enrollment experience.
  • The platform supports student success initiatives by providing tools for academic advising, tracking student progress, and implementing interventions to enhance student outcomes.
  • Education Cloud can integrate with various Learning Management Systems to create a unified platform for managing academic and non-academic aspects of student life.
  • Salesforce provides mobile solutions that allow students, faculty, and staff to access information and collaborate on the go.
  • Education Cloud supports the entire student lifecycle, from recruitment and admissions to academic success and alumni engagement, providing a holistic approach to student relationship management.


In a competitive higher education landscape, Twopir Consulting, stands out as a catalyst for student retention. Embrace the future of education with our tailored solutions, ensuring that your institution not only attracts but retains the brightest minds for a successful academic journey.

For assistance with Salesforce Education Cloud, please contact us directly by completing the form below.


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