K-12 education is a term that refers to the education sector that includes primary and secondary schools . The term “K-12” comes from the fact that this sector covers education from kindergarten (K) through 12th grade.

K-12 education is provided by a combination of public and private schools, with public schools funded by state and local governments and private schools funded by tuition and private donations. Homeschooling is also a growing option for K-12 education, with parents and guardians taking on the responsibility of teaching their children.

Salesforce used K-12 education organizations to manage various aspects of their operations, including student data, donor management, and program administration


  • Student Information Management
  • Donor Management and Fundraising
  • Program Administration
  • Reporting and Analytics
  • Integration with Other Systems
  • Integration.

K-12 architecture key points :

  1. K-12 architecture refers to the design of educational facilities for students from kindergarten to twelfth grade.
  2. The physical environment of K-12 schools plays an important role in shaping students’ learning experiences and outcomes. Well-designed buildings and classrooms can support effective teaching and learning, while poorly designed spaces can hinder them.
  3. K-12 architects must consider a variety of factors when designing school facilities, including the needs of different age groups, the number of students, the type of curriculum being taught, and the available resources and budget.
  4. Design elements that are important in K-12 architecture include classroom size and layout, lighting, ventilation, acoustics, technology infrastructure, and accessibility.
  5. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on sustainable and environmentally friendly design in K-12 architecture, as well as on creating spaces that promote health and wellness for students and staff.
  6. Safety and security are also important considerations in K-12 architecture. Architects must design facilities that protect students and staff from physical harm, as well as from potential threats such as natural disasters, violence, and intruders.


  • Pursue Academic Goals
  • Develop Life Skills
  • Explore Your Interests
  • Build a Strong Foundation
  • Exploring Architecture and Design
  • Building Structures
  • Make a Difference:


  • Building Materials
  • Instructional Guides
  • STEM Integration
  • Creativity
  • Collaborative Learning


  • K-12 Architecture Kit is the foundation for schools and districts to connect people, processes, and data. Collaborate around 360-degree views of student needs and outcomes, better engage families, and operationalize improvement efforts
  • K -12 encouraging creativity and critical thinking skills.