Sales Enablement – Empowering Sales Teams for Success

What Is Sales Enablement?

Sales enablement is all about training your reps to sell — and sell better. You coach them, educate them with content and certifications, and bring them together at events like sales kickoffs. It’s anything you can do to help them close more deals, faster.

Sales enablement uses content, coaching, training, and technology to help reps onboard, improve their skills, and sell. Sales enablement leaders care about increasing productivity, making a business impact they can measure, and getting training programs out the door faster.

Why is sales enablement important?

Sales is hard. Your reps often face a big, blank space at the beginning of a deal. Who are the stakeholders, what’s the strategy, and which deal details actually matter? They have to understand the problem and bring a solution for it. That’s why sales enablement is so important. Without education and guidance, sellers will struggle to advance prospects through the sales pipeline. Then, poof! There goes your revenue.

Here are some key challenges reps face, making the case for sales enablement.

Sellers are expected to be experts: In a June 2022 Salesforce survey, 74% of sellers said their jobs are becoming more consultative and less transactional. Sales reps have to better understand the product, the customer, and the market more deeply, so they bring more value to each conversation.

Sales in a hybrid world is challenging: In the same survey, 58% of sellers said virtual selling is harder than selling from an office. Yet only 29% are trained on how to do it. Sellers have to learn how to be as effective behind a screen as they are in the room.

With economic uncertainty, there’s less room for error: Market upheaval raises the stakes, and puts sellers under pressure to keep revenue from dropping. It’s not just about growth anymore, but effectiveness, too. Sellers need to do more with less.

What are the benefits of sales enablement?

A strong sales enablement process lifts up the whole sales team — and the company with it. It connects sellers to other key players and departments, gets everyone singing about the product from the same song book, and helps sellers use their time effectively.

1. Alignment

Sales enablement informs sellers about every team that could potentially touch the sale in some shape or form. This could range from marketing and development to product and finance. Sellers learn more about the products from these other roles’ perspectives, while understanding how these roles can support the sale. Sellers can then align all these resources and knowledge to guide their customers smoothly through the sales process.

2. Consistency

Sales enablement trains sellers to speak the same company language. This doesn’t mean everyone is parroting identical words, but you’ve provided the foundational training for sellers to then put their own spin on it.

3. Efficiency

The payoff of sales enablement is that sellers can use their time more wisely and productively. With everything they need to know about the product in front of them, they can focus their energy on developing the types of relationships that close deals. Add sales enablement software with real-time success metrics and sellers can more easily tie their training to their day to day.

Who is responsible for sales enablement?

For many companies, sales enablement is a team effort, where leadership and sales groups work in tandem. Some larger companies have a sales enablement manager or similar role dedicated to all things sales enablement, like building training programs or updating guides.

If a team doesn’t have a sales enablement manager, then enablement falls to sales executives, like the vice president of sales. Sales operations leads would also play a role, helping turn leadership’s enablement vision into reality using the right processes and technology. The sales manager would be in charge of making sure reps complete enablement and engage in coaching, taking the training full circle by carrying it out in their daily work.

How to build a sales enablement strategy

With the framework above in mind, you can start to outline your tactical sales enablement strategy. This roadmap will plot out how you’ll meet the goals you set in the previous section, layering on specific actions and measurable steps. For example, let’s keep with the goal of increasing your average deal size by 20% by the end of Q1, and see how to craft your strategy around that.

1. Establish who will build and maintain your sales enablement program

Use this step to assemble your team. If we’re aiming for a deal increase, who specifically on your team will you assign responsibilities to based on their expertise? Do they have the bandwidth to take this on? Do you need to bring in external resources? With our sample goal in mind, the head of sales with a background in coaching could be your frontrunner.

2. Determine how you’ll reach your enablement outcomes

Focus on the output. What is each team member expected to manage, produce, or communicate as part of the sales enablement strategy? What are the deliverables? What is the budget? In this case, the output could be creating a coaching session schedule.

3. Decide on the timing and pace to meet your strategy deadlines

What’s the timeline? How will you track progress? When will you analyse the results? This could be one session per week during Q4.

Scale your strategy based on how many goals you’re trying to achieve. Pair these planning steps with these best practices for building a well-oiled sales enablement machine.


  1. Twopir has completed several implementations on the Sales Enablement.
  2. The implementations are executed by senior professionals with over 6 years of experience.
  3. Twopir provides expert guidance to help clients Empower your reps to sell more efficiently with impactful coaching, effective onboarding, and guidance in the flow of work.
  4. Twopir is dedicated to facilitating a smooth transition to the Sales Enablement package for its clients.
  5. By analyzing sales call recordings and data, I can pinpoint areas where salespeople might need additional information or training on Twopir’s offerings or industry trends.
  6. help create training modules, knowledge base articles, and other resources to address these knowledge gaps and ensure a consistent sales message.
  7. Research and analyze how Twopir’s competitors position themselves, helping to identify areas for differentiation in sales conversations.


  1. Increased Sales Productivity: By providing salespeople with high-quality content, training, and coaching, they can spend less time searching for information and more time engaging qualified leads, leading to a rise in sales productivity and quota attainment.
  2. Improved Win Rates: With a deeper understanding of Twopir’s value proposition, competitor landscape, and effective communication techniques, salespeople can deliver more compelling pitches and address client concerns more effectively, resulting in higher win rates.
  3. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: A well-trained sales team equipped with the right resources can provide a more personalized and informative buying experience for customers. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  4. Reduced Sales Cycle Length: Streamlined sales processes, automated nurturing campaigns, and improved lead qualification through scoring models can shorten the overall sales cycle, allowing Twopir to close deals faster and capitalize on more sales opportunities.
  5. Consistent Sales Messaging: By providing a central repository of training materials and sales tools, you can ensure all salespeople are delivering a consistent and accurate message about Twopir’s offerings, leading to a more professional brand image.


Salesforce Sales Enablement is a powerful suite of tools that can help transform your sales process. With its ability to create and automate sales cadences, prioritize leads and opportunities, and provide real-time insights into sales performance, Sales Enablement can help your sales team work smarter and more efficiently, while also improving customer engagement and satisfaction. If you’re looking to take your sales process to the next level, Sales Enablement is definitely worth considering.


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