Soapbox Engage – Facilitating interactive team discussions

Soapbox Engage App Overview :

Soapbox Engage is a suite of Salesforce apps designed to empower nonprofits and advocacy organizations by providing them with powerful tools to engage their supporters, manage events, and streamline their operations. With Soapbox- Engage, organizations can leverage the capabilities of Salesforce CRM to enhance their fundraising efforts, manage volunteers, and mobilize their communities more effectively.

Soapbox Engage Standard Apps :

  • Actions:

    The Actions app in Soapbox likely refers to a feature set aimed at enabling users to take specific actions on a website or platform. This could include actions such as signing petitions, making donations, registering for events, or engaging with content. The Actions app likely provides tools and functionalities to design, implement, and track these actions effectively, helping organizations drive engagement and achieve their goals.
  • Content:

    The Content app likely focuses on managing and delivering content on a website or platform. This could include features for creating, editing, organizing, and publishing various types of content such as articles, blog posts, videos, images, and more. The Content app may also include functionalities for content scheduling, version control, categorization, and search optimization, empowering organizations to effectively communicate their message and engage their audience.
  • Directories:

    The Directories app likely provides tools for creating and managing directories of resources, contacts, members, or other entities relevant to an organization’s mission or activities. This could include features for building searchable and filterable directories, adding and updating listings, categorizing entries, and displaying directory information on a website or platform. The Directories app may also include functionalities for user submissions, reviews, ratings, and moderation, facilitating community engagement and collaboration.
  • Donations:

    The Donations app enables nonprofits and organizations to accept online donations securely through their website or platform. This app typically includes features for creating customizable donation forms, processing payments securely, managing donor information, and tracking donation metrics. The Donations app may also integrate with payment gateways and CRM systems like Salesforce to streamline donor management and fundraising efforts, helping organizations raise funds effectively and support their mission.
  • Events:

    The Events app simplifies event management for organizations by providing tools for creating, promoting, and managing events. This could include features for online event registration, ticket sales, attendee management, event promotion, and integration with calendars and communication platforms. The Events app may also include functionalities for event analytics, feedback collection, and post-event follow-up, enabling organizations to host successful events and engage their audience effectively.
  • Forms:

    The Forms app allows organizations to create and manage online forms for various purposes such as contact forms, feedback forms, surveys, registration forms, and more. This app typically includes features for designing customizable forms, collecting data securely, and integrating form submissions with other systems or applications. The Forms app may also include functionalities for form analytics, validation, conditional logic, and multi-step forms, empowering organizations to gather information efficiently and drive engagement.
  • Petitions:

    The Petitions app enables organizations to create and promote online petitions to mobilize supporters and advocate for change. This app provides tools for designing petition forms, collecting signatures securely, and tracking petition metrics. The Petitions app may also include features for petition promotion, sharing on social media, and integration with advocacy platforms. By empowering organizations to launch targeted advocacy campaigns and engage their community, the Petitions app helps drive awareness and action on important issues.
  • Shop:

    The Shop app allows organizations to set up and manage an online store to sell products, merchandise, or services. This app typically includes features for creating product listings, managing inventory, processing orders, and accepting payments securely. The Shop app may also include functionalities for shipping and fulfillment, discounts and promotions, customer accounts, and integration with e-commerce platforms or payment gateways. By providing a platform for organizations to generate revenue and support their mission through online sales, the Shop app helps drive sustainability and growth.
  • Popups:

    The Popups app provides tools for creating and managing pop-up messages or notifications on a website or platform. This could include features for designing customizable pop-up templates, targeting specific audiences or segments, scheduling pop-up displays, and tracking engagement metrics. The Popups app may also include functionalities for A/B testing, exit-intent pop-ups, and integration with analytics and marketing platforms. By enabling organizations to deliver targeted messages and prompts to website visitors, the Popups app helps drive conversions, engagement, and user experience optimization.

Soapbox Engage Utility Apps :

  • Control Panel:

    A control panel is a graphical user interface (GUI) element that allows users to manage and adjust settings for their system or application. In the context of soapbox utility apps, the control panel provides a centralized location for users to access and modify various configurations, preferences, and options related to the app or platform.
  • Utilities:

    Utilities refer to additional software tools or programs within the soapbox utility app that perform specific tasks or functions to assist users in managing their system. These utilities can include features like disk cleanup, file management, system monitoring, network diagnostics, and more. They are often designed to streamline common tasks and improve overall system performance.
  • Modules:

    Modules are individual components or extensions within the soapbox utility app that provide specific functionalities or features. Each module typically focuses on a particular aspect of system management or control. For example, there may be modules for security settings, user management, data backup, or performance optimization. Users can often customize their soapbox utility app by enabling or disabling modules based on their needs.
  • Taxonomy:

    Taxonomy refers to the hierarchical categorization and organization of content or data within the soapbox utility app. In this context, taxonomy helps users navigate and locate specific features, settings, or information within the app’s interface. It involves creating a structured classification system that groups related items together based on their characteristics or attributes, making it easier for users to find what they’re looking for.
  • Users:

    Users are individuals who interact with the soapbox utility app to manage and control their system or platform. The app may support multiple user accounts with different levels of access and permissions. User management features within the app allow administrators to create, modify, and delete user accounts, as well as assign specific roles or privileges to each user. This ensures that users have appropriate access to the app’s functionalities based on their responsibilities or requirements.

Key Features and Benefits :

  • Online Donation Management:

    Allow nonprofits to accept donations securely online, with customizable donation forms and various payment processing options.
  • Event Management:

    Tools for managing events, including online registration, ticketing, attendee tracking, and integration with Salesforce for comprehensive reporting and analysis.
  • Membership Management:

    Features to facilitate the management of memberships, including tracking member profiles, dues payments, renewals, and engagement activities.
  • Petition Creation and Promotion:

    Enable organizations to create and promote online petitions to engage supporters and raise awareness for their cause.
  • Volunteer Management:

    Tools for recruiting, organizing, and tracking volunteers, including volunteer sign-up forms and scheduling capabilities.
  • Email Marketing Integration:

    Integration with email marketing platforms to facilitate communication with donors, volunteers, and supporters.
  • Analytics and Reporting:

    Provide robust analytics and reporting tools to track fundraising efforts, event attendance, donor engagement, and other key metrics.
  • Customization and Integration:

    Ability to customize forms, pages, and workflows to suit the organization’s specific needs, as well as integration with other Salesforce apps and third-party tools.
  • Security and Compliance:

    Ensure the security of donor information and compliance with data protection regulations through secure payment processing and data management practices.
  • Support and Training:

    Access to customer support resources, documentation, training materials, and community forums to assist organizations in getting the most out of the platform.

SoapBox Engage Integration With The Salesforce:

1. Understand Your Requirements:

  • Define what data you need to sync between Soapbox Engage and Salesforce. This could include leads, contacts, opportunities, or custom objects.
  • Determine the direction of data flow (from Soapbox Engage to Salesforce, from Salesforce to Soapbox Engage, or bidirectional).

2. Install and Configure Soapbox Engage Package:

  • Log in to your Salesforce organization as an administrator.
  • Navigate to the Salesforce AppExchange and find the Soapbox Engage package.
  • Install the package and follow the installation wizard to configure it according to your requirements.
  • Grant necessary permissions to the Soapbox Engage app.

3. Establish API Connections:

  • Soapbox Engage typically utilizes Salesforce APIs (such as SOAP or REST APIs) to communicate with Salesforce.
  • Ensure that Soapbox Engage is authorized to access your Salesforce organization by setting up API connections. This might involve creating connected apps or generating API keys.

4. Map Fields:

  • Determine which fields in Soapbox Engage correspond to fields in Salesforce.
  • Map these fields to ensure that data is transferred accurately between the two systems. This might include standard fields like name and email, as well as custom fields.

5. Test Integration:

  • Before deploying the integration in a production environment, conduct thorough testing to ensure that data is syncing correctly between Soapbox Engage and Salesforce.
  • Test various scenarios, such as creating new records, updating existing records, and handling errors.

6. Deploy Integration:

  • Once testing is successful, deploy the integration in your production environment.
  • Monitor the integration closely after deployment to ensure that it continues to function as expected.

7. Train Users:

  • Provide training to relevant users on how to use the integrated system.
  • Ensure that they understand how data flows between Soapbox Engage and Salesforce and how to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

8. Monitor and Maintain:

  • Regularly monitor the integration to ensure that it continues to meet your organization’s needs.
  • Make any necessary adjustments or updates as your requirements evolve.
  • Stay informed about updates and new features from Soapbox Engage and Salesforce that may impact the integration.


  1. Community Building and Complaint Registration:

    • Establish interactive communities for customers and stakeholders to register complaints or submit requirements.
    • Custom-built modules facilitate efficient complaint management and resolution.
  2. Lead and Opportunity Management:

    • Tailored analysis of lead status and opportunity stages with automated workflows, reports, and dynamic dashboards.
    • Streamlined processes ensure faster sales cycles and smarter decision-making.
  3. Custom Event Management:

    • Develop a bespoke event management system with a dynamic calendar, accommodating diverse activities like meetings, calls, and webinars across different time zones.
    • Seamlessly integrate with Salesforce for enhanced coordination and tracking.
  4. Automation and Approval Processes:

    • Implement robust automation frameworks to handle tasks, assign responsibilities, trigger email alerts, and streamline approval processes.
    • Enhance efficiency and minimize manual intervention across various workflows.
  5. Real-time Business Insights:

    • Create intuitive dashboard components offering real-time visibility into key business metrics.
    • Empower stakeholders with actionable insights to drive informed decisions and strategic initiatives.


  • Business Growth and Flexibility:

    • Facilitate business growth by providing accessible tools for managing operations from anywhere.
    • Flexibility in customization ensures alignment with evolving business needs and objectives.
  • Efficient Sales and Customer Management:

    • Enable efficient management of contacts, accounts, leads, and opportunities, facilitating faster and smarter sales processes.
    • Consolidate customer information into a unified platform for seamless integration of marketing, sales, and customer service activities.
  • Access to Extensive Application Ecosystem:

    • Leverage the power of the Salesforce AppExchange, accessing a vast array of applications to extend functionality and meet specific business requirements.

Conclusion :

Soapbox Engage offers a comprehensive suite of Salesforce apps tailored to the unique needs of nonprofit and advocacy organizations. By leveraging the power of Salesforce CRM, Soapbox Engage enables nonprofits to maximize their impact, engage their supporters, and drive positive change in their communities. With its user-friendly interface, robust features, and seamless data integration, Soapbox Engage empowers organizations to streamline operations, deepen relationships with constituents, and achieve their mission more effectively.

For assistance with Salesforce and Soapbox Engage integration, please contact us directly by completing the form below.


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