Case Study

Excellent work done in a timely manner to integrate both systems to save time. Cheers.

– John , Director – Medical Law Firm

XeBee Integration with SFDC

Integration with XeBee
Automate XeBee Notes creation for Medical Records
Automate XeBee Order Status update of Medical Records

Complete customization to support integration with XeBee for salesforce.

Challenges :-

  • Client uses XeBee as Medical Records management which gathers data every month/quarter/year from its customers for various business processes to manage their company. Medical Record management is a crucial part of the business.
  • The current process is cumbersome, manual, prone to errors, and is not a standardized process.
  • Hence, the goal of the project is to provide a comprehensive medical record management tool that can help to create XeBee Notes in Salesforce.

Solutions :-

    • The first task in hand was to create a complete design and functional flow.
    • Salesforce to utilize XeBee APIs to create Xebee Notes based on the XeBee Request Id.
    • We have two methods to update XeBee notes in Salesforce

Method 1:

    • This method will run every four hours to insert notes in Salesforce
    • Based on Xebee Request Id we will fetch notes from Xebee and then we will insert those notes if they are not present in Salesforce and also update Xebee Order Status in Salesforce

Method 2:

  • This method will work in realtime.
  • A button will be present on Medical Object when a user will click that button, an API will be called which will fetch Xebee Notes, and then we will insert those notes if they are not present in Salesforce
  • Also, we are checking if Xebee Order status is changed then we are updating that status in Salesforce

Results :-

  • XeBee’s integration with Salesforce offers legal professionals a convenient and secure system for obtaining and organizing a wide variety of medical records and notes.
  • By connecting XeBee and Salesforce, users have an end-to-end solution for getting notes from XeBee to Salesforce with one click.