Dynamic Related Lists in Salesforce: Your Ultimate Guide

Dynamic Related Lists in Salesforce: Your Ultimate Guide

What are Dynamic Related Lists?

Dynamic related lists are a type of related list in Salesforce that display related records from one object to another based on specific criteria. For example, you might have a dynamic related list that displays all the accounts associated with a particular contact. The related list is dynamic because it automatically updates as the underlying data changes, so you always have access to the most up-to-date information.

Dynamic-related lists can be used to display records from any object in Salesforce, including custom objects that you create yourself. This means that you can use dynamic related lists to display information from objects such as contacts, leads, opportunities, cases, and more.

Key Features of Dynamic Related Lists

1. Custom Filters: Users can define filters based on fields from related objects to display only the relevant records. For example, a dynamic related list on an Account page could show only open Opportunities or Cases with a high priority.
2. Customization Columns: You can choose which fields to display in the dynamic related list, allowing for a more concise and focused view of related records.
3. Inline Editing: If enabled, users can edit records directly from the dynamic related list without having to navigate away from the page.
4. Sort Order: Users can specify the sort order for records displayed in the dynamic related list, making it easier to find the most relevant information quickly.
5. Multiple Dynamic Related Lists: You can add multiple dynamic related lists to a single page, each with different filters and display settings, to cater to various user needs and workflows.


How Do I Set Up Salesforce Dynamic Related Lists?

First things first, you do not need to add the related list to your standard page layout in order for it to be available in the Lightning Record Page! Simply navigate to the Lightning record page you wish to update. You’ve then got two options.

You can start adding the new feature by simply dragging a Dynamic Related List – Single onto the canvas.

Or you can convert an existing “Related List – Single” by selecting it and then choosing Upgrade.

There are multiple properties to set on your “Dynamic Related List – Single” component:

  • Parent Record: You can choose to show records related to this record or form a parent record.
  • Related List: The Object you wish to display record from.
  • Related List Label: Name your related list. This is useful when creating filtered lists e.g. “Open Opportunities”.
  • Related List Type: Display as List or Tile.
  • Number of Records to Display: Show a maximum of 30 records in a dynamic related list.
  • Show list view action bar.
  • Related List Fields: Choose and sort the fields you want to display. You can add up to ten fields, however, to display more than four fields you will need to choose the ‘List’ type and display in a main region.
  • Sort Field: The field you wish to sort the list by.
  • Sort Order: The order you want to sort the list by.
  • Related List Filters: Add your filters to display only the related records you need. You can add multiple filters but you cannot use filter logic, therefore each filter will add another “AND” criteria.
  • Actions: Add Actions
  • Set Component Visibility: As usual, you can choose to add filters to set the component visibility so it only displays when criteria are met. Perhaps some of your dynamic related lists will only be relevant and visible to a particular role or profile.

How do Dynamic Related Lists Work?

Dynamic-related lists work by using a filter to determine which records should be displayed. For a dynamic-related list to display records, the criteria that must be met must be specified. For example, you might specify that only accounts that have a particular industry should be displayed.

Once you have created a dynamic related list, it will automatically display the related records that meet the criteria that you have specified. The dynamic-related list will be updated in real-time as the underlying data changes, so you always have access to the most up-to-date information.

How can Dynamic Related Lists be Used?

Dynamic-related lists can be used to enhance the functionality of your Salesforce instance in several ways. Here are just a few examples of how you might use dynamic-related lists in your organization:

1. Displaying all the contacts associated with a particular account
2. Displaying all the opportunities associated with a particular lead
3. Displaying all the cases associated with a particular customer
4. Displaying all the custom objects associated with a particular record

Accessing information with dynamic related lists simplifies the process of accessing it quickly and easily, without having to go to other parts of Salesforce. This can help you to work more efficiently and make better decisions, as you have access to all the information you need in one place.


  • A related list does not need to be on the standard page layout to be added using Dynamic Related Lists.
  • You can add the component “Dynamic Related List – Single” multiple times to the same page.
  • You can use “Dynamic Related List – Single” and the other related list components at the same time, on the same page.
  • Always test your page performance using the Analyze Button when editing a Lightning page.
  • You can add multiple filters to a “Dynamic Related List – Single” component.
  • You cannot use filter logic e.g. 1 OR 2.
  • Dynamic Related Lists are supported by desktop only (not mobile).
  • Dynamic Related Lists are available for custom objects, core standard objects (including Account, Contact, Case, Opportunity, Lead, etc), and standard objects that are compliant with LWC and UIAPI. Certain standard objects (such as Files) are not supported.
  • Dynamic Related Lists are not available for external objects.
  • If you filter on a currency field, it will use the org default currency (even if you type in a different currency).
  • Date filters only support ISO format or relative dates.
  • You can add standard actions, custom buttons, and Create a Record and Update a Record quick actions on dynamic related lists. Quick actions are available as mass actions on the related list.
  • The preview will only show six rows of data – save (and activate if needed) your page, then go back to your record to test your changes and see more than six rows of data.
  • The preview data will show sample data and not your actual data e.g. you will see “Sample Text” in place of actual data. Save (and activate if needed) your page, then go back to your record to test your changes.


Dynamic-related lists are a powerful tool in Salesforce that can help you display related records from one object to another based on specific criteria. When you use dynamic-related lists, you don’t have to navigate to other sections of Salesforce to find the information you need. Whether you’re working with contacts, leads, opportunities, cases, or custom objects, dynamic related lists can help you to work more efficiently and make better decisions.


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