Guide to Lightning: Securely Display Maps

Guide to Lightning: Securely Display Maps

Guide to Lightning: Securely Display Maps

Lightning component securely displays a map of one or more locations. This component inherits styling from map in the Lightning Design System. Pass the location to be displayed via the component’s mapMarkers property.

Example –


MapMarkers is an array of markers that indicate location. A marker contains –

Location Information: This can be a coordinate pair of latitude and longitude or an address composed of address elements.

Descriptive Information:This is information like title, location and an icon which is information relevant to the marker but not specifically related to location.


Here’s an example of a marker that uses address elements.


location: {

'City': 'San Francisco',

'Country': 'USA',

'PostalCode': '94105',

'State': 'CA',

'Street': 'The Landmark @ One Market, Suite 300'


title: 'The Landmark Building',

icon: 'standard:account'


Displaying Multiple Addresses:

When displaying a list of addresses, you must pass in the markersTitle property, which displays a heading for your locations. Optional properties are discussed below.
<lightning:map mapMarkers=”{!v.mapMarkers}” markersTitle = “My favorite places for lunch”> </lightning:map>
When you specify multiple markers in an array, the lightning:map component renders a list of tiles with location titles and addresses next to the map with the required markersTitle displayed above the list. Each location tile contains an icon, a title, and an address.
To customize each location tile, you can specify the optional icon, title, and description properties for each address. The lightning:map component displays the icon next to the address.

mapMarkers = [


location: {

// Location Information

City: 'San Francisco',

Country: 'USA',

PostalCode: '94105',

State: 'CA',

Street: '50 Fremont St',


// Extra info for tile in sidebar %26 infoWindow

icon: 'standard:account',

title: 'Julies Kitchen', // e.g. Account.Name

description: 'This is a long description'



location: {

// Location Information

City: 'San Francisco',

Country: 'USA',

PostalCode: '94105',

State: 'CA',

Street: '30 Fremont St.',


// Extra info for tile in sidebar
icon: ‘standard:account’,
title: ‘Tender Greens’, // e.g. Account.Name

Additionally, consider the following:

If you specify an address, you must provide at least one of the following values: City, PostalCode, State or Country.
If you pass in both an address and latitude and longitude, the map plots the marker according to the latitude and longitude values.
If a marker in the mapMarkers array is invalid, no markers are plotted on the map.

Business Use Case:

On a custom object, on the basis of address fields show a Google map with markers, Icon, etc.

public with sharing class lightningMapController {


public static list getLocation(){

list lstALW = new list();

/*Query accounts records with billing address information */

for(Candidate__c can : [Select Name,Street__c,City__c,State_Province__c,Zip_Postal_Code__c,Country__c

From Candidate__c

Where Country__c != null

And City__c != null]){

// first create "locationDetailWrapper" instance and set appropriate values

locationDetailWrapper oLocationWrap = new locationDetailWrapper();

oLocationWrap.Street = can.Street__c;

oLocationWrap.PostalCode = can.Zip_Postal_Code__c;

oLocationWrap.City = can.City__c;

oLocationWrap.State = can.State_Province__c;

oLocationWrap.Country = can.Country__c;

// create "accountLocationWrapper" instance, set values and add to final list.

accountLocationWrapper oWrapper = new accountLocationWrapper();

oWrapper.icon = 'utility:location'; //

oWrapper.title = can.Name;

oWrapper.location = oLocationWrap;



// retrun the "accountLocationWrapper" list

return lstALW;


/* wrapper class to store required properties for "lightning:map" component' */

public class accountLocationWrapper{

@AuraEnabled public string icon{get;set;}

@AuraEnabled public string title{get;set;}

@AuraEnabled public string description{get;set;}

@AuraEnabled public locationDetailWrapper location{get;set;}


/* sub wrapper class to store location details for "accountLocationWrapper" location property.*/

public class locationDetailWrapper{

@AuraEnabled public string Street{get;set;}

@AuraEnabled public string PostalCode{get;set;}

@AuraEnabled public string City{get;set;}

@AuraEnabled public string State{get;set;}

@AuraEnabled public string Country{get;set;}



Step 2 :- Lightning Component

<aura:component controller="lightningMapController" implements="force:appHostable">

<!– aura attributes to store Map component information –>

<aura:attribute name=”mapMarkersData” type=”Object”/>

<aura:attribute name=”mapCenter” type=”Object”/>

<aura:attribute name=”zoomLevel” type=”Integer” default=”4″ />

<aura:attribute name=”markersTitle” type=”String” />

<aura:attribute name=”showFooter” type=”Boolean” default=”true”/>

<!-- init handler which will call 'doInit' fucntion on component load-->
<aura:handler name="init" value="{! this }" action="{! c.doInit }"/>

<!-- render map component only when we have at least 1 record in list.(mapMarkersData) -->

<aura:if isTrue=”{!v.mapMarkersData.length > 0}” >

<!– the map component –>

<lightning:map mapMarkers=”{! v.mapMarkersData }”

center=”{! v.mapCenter }”

zoomLevel=”{! v.zoomLevel }”

markersTitle=”{! v.markersTitle }”

showFooter=”{ !v.showFooter }” />



Step 3: Lightning Controller


doInit: function (component, event, helper) {

// call getLocation apex class method

var action = component.get("c.getLocation");

action.setCallback(this, function(response) {

var state = response.getState();

if (state === "SUCCESS") {

// set mapMarkersData attribute values with 'accountLocationWrapper' data


// set the mapCenter location.

component.set('v.mapCenter', {

location: {

Country: 'United States'



// set map markers title

component.set('v.markersTitle', 'Google Office locations.');


else if (state === "INCOMPLETE") {

// do something


else if (state === "ERROR") {

var errors = response.getError();

if (errors) {

if (errors[0] && errors[0].message) {

console.log("Error message: " +



} else {

console.log("Unknown error");







Step 4: Lightning Application

<aura:application extends=”force:slds”>
<!– here c: is org. default namespace prefix–>

Step 5: The Last step is you have to create a domain in salesforce org.

Setup>Quick find Box>My Domain>Create Domain


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