Salesforce Survey

Salesforce Survey


Introduction to Surveys in Salesforce :

  • Every business small or big wants to satisfy its customers’ needs since customers are the lifeblood of any business.
  • If you do not know what customers think about your service, you will never be able to give them the best customer experience.
  • so any contact with a customer is an opportunity to identify any issues that customers are experiencing and correct them, and survey is a best way to ask questions.
  • Salesforce introduced a new feature which will allow companies to to create very sleek surveys using a simple editor and store the survey data in your org.
  • This data can be used later by companies to delight customers with experiences that are more intuitive, relevant, and predictive than ever.


What are Surveys in Salesforce ?

  • You can select different types of questions to gather the data that suits your needs. 
  • After you add a question, specify the responses that participants can choose. 
  • The survey data that you collect from participants is stored in your org. 
  • You can then use Salesforce to export survey data, create reports and dashboards, and share insights with your company.
  • Surveys in Salesforce are a powerful tool to collect feedback and data from your users or customers and supercharge your customer experience by using a simple editor. 
  • It provides you with a wide range of out-of-the-box features and functionalities to make excellent and easy-to-use forms for collecting feedback and data from your clients.
  • The survey data that you collect from the users is stored in your Salesforce org.
  • You can then use Salesforce to view survey data, create reports and dashboards, and gain data-driven insights across organizations.


So, here are the various steps to create a Survey in Salesforce


Step 1 : 
  • Enable surveys within your org.
  • Navigate to the Setting->Click on feature settings->Click on Survey->go to survey settings ->then enable the survey settings.



Step 2 :
  • Create Permission Set to enable permissions to create surveys..


  •  In the Permission Set, go to Object Settings.
  • Click on the Surveys link under the Object Settings section.


  • Edit Permission Set.
  • Enable necessary permissions for users in the Permission Set.
  • Click Save.
  • Click Add Assignments.
  • Assign Permission Set to the desired Users


Step 3 :
  • Navigate to the App Launcher to create a Survey.


Step 4 :
  • Click New to create a Survey.


Step 5 :
  • Build the Survey.


  • Modify Text Color, Background Image and  Button color.


  • Add Question with different types of options like Radio, Rating, Multiple choice, Text etc.


  • Rating


  • In Text, you can enter characters up to a limit of 250 characters.


  • In Radio type, only one answer can be selected.


  • You can select Multi picklist Values.


  • You can choose Date from Calendar.


  • Activate or Preview before activating.


  • Get Survey Link to share with participants to gather survey data.


  • Survey Link for Internal users in the company.


  • You can view the survey response in Analyze Tab.



Advantage of Salesforce surveys :

  • Salesforce Surveys allow us to run “Post-Purchase” surveys, which helps us to find out how our customers assess their experience of buying from us and what things we should improve.
  • Salesforce Surveys allow us to discover what new products as well as services our customers expect.
  • These surveys help in finding new opportunities for growth.
  • We can get feedback on the performance of our support or sales team through the Salesforce Surveys.
  • Sometimes, we may want to include a file upload file in our survey to allow users to upload images to support their answers or explain something visually.
  • These surveys can also help in the Centralized Customer CRM Review.
  • Salesforce Surveys tools are a great way to get timely feedback as well as generate very useful analytics based on their corresponding responses
  • This tool provides extensive data analytics so we can see the trends in responses and relationships drawn from different questions.